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12.03.2004: A Genius "Funny"

Recently, while in New York City, my wife and I were walking back from dinner when we saw this brightly lit sign: “Genius Tailor.” Fortunately, I had my camera with me, and was able to snap a photo.

I simply loved the audacity of this sign. “Genius Tailor.” It sort of says it all. Here is guy who has landed on who he is, and what he’s about. He’s a tailor. But he’s not just a tailor. He’s a genius tailor, and secure enough in that knowledge to put it in lights.

This morning, as I sat in my favorite coffee shop and memorized a short monologue for an upcoming event, I relived a recurring realization: I simply love what I do. I love writing. I love acting. I love knitting together a story or monologue and moving an audience or a reader somewhere further down the continuum toward Real Life. I don’t quite have the audacity to announce “Genius” in big, bright letters. But, I do believe that it’s what God made me good at.

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So … maybe I should have that audacity. Maybe it would be Godly Audacity. The Book says, “We have this Treasure in clay pots, to show that the real power is from God, and not from us.” I think that sometimes our problem might not be in claiming “Genius.”

Our problem, instead, might be in thinking that “Genius” comes from us and not from God.

So … today, as you carpool kids, or sit over coffee with a friend, or organize an event, or prepare a talk, or pay your bills, or rehearse a song, or administrate an office, or tailor a suit, or … whatever it is that you stitch together … I hope you have the Godly Audacity to land on “Genius,” knowing that it is He who gave you the thread in the first place.

Curt Cloninger
Theatre With A Lasting Impression



Mikey's Thot for the Day:
Attitude is the difference between ordeal and adventure.


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